Leslie S. Garske
Divorce Mediator
Meet Leslie Garske

"I've walked this road, and have dedicated my professional life to making sure my Clients have bright futures."
Company: Garske Divorce Mediation & Financial Planning
Website: www.GarskeMediation.com
Clarity. Integrity. Grace. Leslie has assisted dozens of couples untangle their assets with the least amount of conflict, contention and cost. As a mother of four and the first in her friend group to go through a divorce as a young mother, she understands the ups and downs that divorcing families navigate every day. Her financial background not only will shed light on what to do with the house but will also prepare you with a forward-looking budget so you can afford your new life. If you are close to retirement, she can assess what you need from a settlement scenario in order to live comfortably. Being a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Leslie is equipped to do the number crunching for you so you can make informed decisions.
Leslie Garske has built an abundant practice out of serving people, men and women, who are facing divorce. From education and awareness to long-range planning for secure financial futures, Leslie has led many clients through the anxiety and complexity of divorce. She has been married to her husband, Craig, since 1994, and has four children, Erin, Garrett, Jackson and Leah. She enjoys watching her flower garden bloom in the summer, taking a run, vacationing in Cabo, and planning fun events for her family and friends and drinking good wine...does boxed wine count?

What is Divorce Mediation?

Our unique process takes each decision one at a time. Both parties sit down at the table together, with their mediator, for a series of four to five 2-hour meetings at two week intervals within an 8-10 week period in order to have time to ponder and weigh the life changing and financial decisions at hand.
During the process, the identified issues are expertly negotiated and talked through giving an equal voice to both parties, against the landscape of the identified goals.

A divorce mediator guides you through the following topics during the process:
Assessing Marital Assets and Debts vs. Separate Property
Determining Income, Spousal Support, & Future Living Expense
Creating Parenting Schedule & Shared Children’s Expenses
Determining Division of Assets and Debts
Finalizing Agreements & Clients Prepare Pro Se Paperwork